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Is there a way to pull an instagram feed with PHP without logging in?




It seems that this solution no longer works -

How to get a user's Instagram feed

The new API requires an access token which is dynamically assigned after passing through a login page. Is there a way to still pull a feed programmatically through PHP without jumping through the new oauth hoops? This is useful for setting a crontab to automatically save new posts to a database.

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user1145643 Avatar asked Jun 02 '16 00:06


3 Answers

Yes you can. You don't need to login or access_token to get the latest 20 posts. You just need to parse the json content from https://www.instagram.com/[USERNAME]/media/. Replace the [username] with the instagram user_name.


$instaResult = file_get_contents('https://www.instagram.com/'.$username.'/media/');
$insta = json_decode($instaResult);

UPDATE: Instagram has changed the user media rss url. In order to get the rss feed you now have to use https://www.instagram.com/[USERNAME]/?__a=1

UPDATE: Instead of file_get_contents, it is better to use curl or Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface based library like http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/

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Laxman Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11


We can still access the photos. But just last 12 photo. If want more photos access_token require. This my way to get photos.

$instaResult = file_get_contents('https://www.instagram.com/'.$username.'/?__a=1');
$insta = json_decode($instaResult);
$instagram_photos = $insta->graphql->user->edge_owner_to_timeline_media->edges;

Now we get the last photos array.

Than i used in the view with foreach loop.

@foreach($instagram_photos as $instagram_photo)
       <img src="{{$instagram_photo->node->display_url}}">
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Ali Özen Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Ali Özen

Try this php library: https://github.com/postaddictme/instagram-php-scraper

And here is example (https://github.com/postaddictme/instagram-php-scraper/blob/master/examples/getAccountMediasByUsername.php):

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// If account is public you can query Instagram without auth
$instagram = new \InstagramScraper\Instagram();
$medias = $instagram->getMedias('kevin', 25);
// Let's look at $media
$media = $medias[0];
echo "Media info:\n";
echo "Id: {$media->getId()}\n";
echo "Shotrcode: {$media->getShortCode()}\n";
echo "Created at: {$media->getCreatedTime()}\n";
echo "Caption: {$media->getCaption()}\n";
echo "Number of comments: {$media->getCommentsCount()}";
echo "Number of likes: {$media->getLikesCount()}";
echo "Get link: {$media->getLink()}";
echo "High resolution image: {$media->getImageHighResolutionUrl()}";
echo "Media type (video or image): {$media->getType()}";
$account = $media->getOwner();
echo "Account info:\n";
echo "Id: {$account->getId()}\n";
echo "Username: {$account->getUsername()}\n";
echo "Full name: {$account->getFullName()}\n";
echo "Profile pic url: {$account->getProfilePicUrl()}\n";
// If account private you should be subscribed and after auth it will be available
$instagram = \InstagramScraper\Instagram::withCredentials('username', 'password', 'path/to/cache/folder');
$medias = $instagram->getMedias('private_account', 100);
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raiym Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
