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XCUITest recording fails with "Please select a scheme where "XCUITodo" is the executable"

I'm using Xcode 8 to automate my application. I get started by downloading an existing code: XCUIToDo project. I opened the project in Xcode, and when I click on the Record button, I'm seeing a warning message "Please select a scheme where "XCUITodo" is the executable" and the record feature does not start. Please let me know where I'm missing.


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NeedHelp Avatar asked Oct 04 '16 18:10


1 Answers

Ensure that an executable is selected for your UITest scheme.

  1. Select Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes
  2. Select your UITest scheme in the list
  3. Select Edit
  4. Select the Info tab under Run
  5. Ensure that the required Executable is selected
like image 71
Rob VS Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09

Rob VS