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Xcode/Simulator: How to run older iOS version?

People also ask

How do I get Xcode iOS 15 simulator?

Open Xcode and click Menu > Xcode > Preferences > Select Components, and then choose the simulator version you want to download. When a simulator is opened from AppStudio, AppStudio Player automatically installs (if necessary) and opens in it.

How do I change the minimum iOS version in Xcode?

iOS Deployment Target set to 14.1 or whatever version you want to be minimum inside the Target > Build Settings > Deployment for all instances. The deployment info in Target > General > Deployment Info is set to the minimum support version before the iPhone checkmark.

To anyone else who finds this older question, you can now download all old versions.

Xcode -> Preferences -> Components (Click on Simulators tab).

Install all the versions you want/need.

To show all installed simulators:

Target -> In dropdown "deployment target" choose the installed version with lowest version nr.

You should now see all your available simulators in the dropdown.

XCODE 10.1

1. Goto Xcode -> Preferences (Shortcut CMD,)

2. Select Components

3. Download Simulator version

enter image description here

4. XCode -> Open Developer Tool -> Simulator This will launch Simulator as stand alone application

5 Hardware -> Device -> Manage Devices...

6. Click on + iCon to create new simulator version.

7. Specify Simulator Name, Device Type and Choose OS version from drop down.

enter image description here

8. Click Create.

9. Hardware -> Device -> iOS 11.0 -> iPhone 6

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Thats it run enjoy coding!

If you have iAds in your binary you will not be able to run it on anything before iOS 4.0 and it will be rejected if you try and submit a binary like this.

You can still run the simulator from 3.2 onwards after upgrading.

In the iPhone Simulator try selecting Hardware -> Version -> 3.2

Open xcode and in the top menu go to xcode > Preferences > Downloads and you will be given the option to download old sdks to use with xcode. You can also download command line tools and Device Debugging Support.

enter image description here

In XCode under Targets, right-click on your project and Get Info. Under the Build tab look for iOS Deployment Target. By changing this you should be able to test different iOS version.

alt text

To add previous iOS simulator to Xcode 4.2, you need old xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3.dmg (or similar version) installer file and do as following:

  • Mount the xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3.dmg file
  • Open mounting disk image and choose menu: Go->Go to Folder...
  • Type /Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/Packages/ then click Go. There are many packages and find to iPhoneSimulatorSDK(version).pkg
  • Double click to install package you want to add and wait for installer displays.
  • In Installer click Continue and choose destination, Choose folder...
  • Explorer shows and select Developer folder and click Choose
  • Install and repeat with other simulator as you need.
  • Restart Xcode.

Now there are a list of your installed simulator.

I was searching for how to do this on a much newer version of xcode than the original question and while the answers here got me where I needed to go, they aren't quite accurate for location anymore. Xcode 11.3.1, you need to go into Preferences -> Components, then select the desired Simulators. You can also select tvOS and watchOS similators from the same window.

Components preference window from Xcode 11.3.1