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Xcode error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'

People also ask

How do I enable signing in Xcode?

Open the project using Xcode. Select the root project directory, and go to the Signing and Capabilities tab. Here, you can either check Automatically manage signing or do the signing manually. If you check the Automatically manage signing checkbox, then you will just need to select the Team from the drop-down list.

To add developer account to Xcode:

  1. Press Cmd ⌘ + , (comma)

  2. Go to Accounts tab

  3. Follow the screen shot below to enable development team:

Step 3

With Xcode-8.1 & iOS-10.1

  1. Add your Apple ID in Xcode Preferences > Accounts > Add Apple ID:

Step 1

  1. Enable signing to Automatically && Select Team that you have created before:

Step 2

  1. Change the Bundle Identifier:

Step 3

  1. Code Signing to iOS Developer:

Step 4

  1. Provision profile to Automatic:

Step 5

You can now run your project on a device!

In case you are still having this problem, click on the Tests and select a team for them too.

To run your app on a real device, you need to have an Apple ID, and have registered your device with that ID. That is why you are getting this error.

Here's how you do it.

  1. Go to the project Navigator. Cmd-1 if you can't find it.

  2. Click the project target dropdown and pick Target. enter image description here

  3. Click on the Team dropdown and pick add an account. enter image description here

  4. Sign in with your Apple ID that is linked to your developer account, or just your Apple if you don't have a dev account.

  5. If you haven't registered your device with that account yet, a button will appear, something like 'Register device'. Click that and Apple will register the device and do the certificates and code signing. (Oh my unicorns certificates and signing is so much easier than it used to be) enter image description here

Pick your physical device and hit run and it should load onto your device without error.

Well, after I did all those things I still got the errors so I closed Xcode and opened it up again and then it worked.

Recently had the issue on Xcode 11 beta 2:

  1. Select your project on the left side panel
  2. Find the "Signing & Capabilities" tab for your target

If your target doesn't have the "Signing & Capabilities" tab (in my case only the test target had it), open the build settings for your project and click "All" instead of "Basic"/"Customised". Find signing under the settings and make sure you've got a Development team set up.

  1. Repeat the same step for your test target if needed