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Processing Symbol Files in Xcode





People also ask

What is dSYM file in Xcode?

Debug builds of an app place the debug symbols inside the compiled binary file by default, while release builds of an app place the debug symbols in a companion Debug Symbol file ( dSYM ) to reduce the size of the distributed app.

What are symbols Xcode?

symbols files are generated when you submit machine code instead of bitcode to the App Store. They are used as part of the mechanism used to deliver symbolicated crash reports to your Xcode Organizer. They are lighter weight than the complete .

What is debug symbols in Xcode?

Debug Symbols are additional information about your source code that are used to help debugging. See also this wikipedia article about debug symbols. They will not be submitted to the appstore as they are only part of debug-build while you only submit a release-build to the appstore.

It downloads the (debug) symbols from the device, so it becomes possible to debug on devices with that specific iOS version and also to symbolicate crash reports that happened on that iOS version.

Since symbols are CPU specific, the above only works if you have imported the symbols not only for a specific iOS device but also for a specific CPU type. The currently CPU types needed are armv7 (e.g. iPhone 4, iPhone 4s), armv7s (e.g. iPhone 5) and arm64 (e.g. iPhone 5s).

So if you want to symbolicate a crash report that happened on an iPhone 5 with armv7s and only have the symbols for armv7 for that specific iOS version, Xcode won't be able to (fully) symbolicate the crash report.

In Xcode Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a), after "Processing Symbol Files", a folder containing symbols associated with the device (including iOS version and CPU type) was created in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/ like this:

enter image description here

xCode just copy all crashes logs. If you want to speed-up: delete number of crash reports after you analyze it, directly in this window.

Devices -> View Device Logs -> All Logs


In my case symbolicating was take forever. I force restart my phone with both of on/off and home button. Now quickly finished symbolicating and I am starting run my app via xcode.