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Xcode - duplicate Storyboard scene

People also ask

How do I copy a storyboard scene?

press Command+C (copy) then Command+V (paste).

Can you copy a storyboard?

Select the View Controller in the storyboard and press Command + C to copy. Then press Command + V to paste in the second storyboard. Check the document outline to see where it was pasted to. Copy this and paste it in the second project's storyboard file.

How do I copy a view in Xcode?

You have to right click in your project navigator and create a new file. Select "Cocoa Touch Class" and create a subclass of UIViewController. Just for clarity - The view controller gets copied exactly on top of the existing view controller. You need to drag it from on top of it.

I'm just using Command + D (Duplicate) for now, as it (AFAIK) is essentially a one-step copy-paste, and dealing with the bug.

You can duplicate views if you drag them with ALT key. it does quickly

Select the ViewController you want to duplicate. press Command+C(copy) then Command+V(paste).

The new command is Shift+Command+S. You can also optionally click File and then Duplicate.

You can duplicate a view (or scene) easily by selecting the whole view, then copy and paste.

To copy and paste UI elements, select the element you want to copy, then copy it and paste it in the original view. Then drag the newly pasted element to the new view. Everything mouse-based.