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How to get bundle ID?




People also ask

How do I find my bundle ID?

To locate the Apple bundle ID:Log into your iTunes Connect account. Click the relevant app. Go to General > App Information. The Bundle ID is displayed.

What is the bundle ID of my app?

The bundleIds resource represents the app's unique identifier that you can register, modify, and delete. You need a bundle ID before you can assign capabilities with the Bundle ID Capabilities resource or create a provisioning profile with the Profiles resource.

How do I find the bundle ID for an Android app?

The simplest method to look up an app's package ID is to find the app in Google Play Store using a web browser. The app package ID will be listed after 'id=' at the end of the URL. There are several Android apps available in Play Store that lets you find Package name IDs for apps published in Play Store.

If you are trying to get it programmatically , you can use below line of code :

objective C

NSString *bundleIdentifier = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];

Swift 3.0 :

let bundleIdentifier =  Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier

It will work for both iOS and Mac apps Good luck..

For those using Xcode >=7: select your target and click the General tab. Bundle Identifier is found under Identity.

In Xcode 4, select your project, then your target (you should have only one) and then the 'Info' tab. You should be able to see the bundle identifier there.


  • Xcode 11.2.1 (11B500), Swift 5.1


Solution 1

let bundleId = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier

Solution 2

let bundleId = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleIdentifier"] as? String

From Xcode

Solution 1

enter image description here

Solution 2

enter image description here