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Xcode - But... Where are our archives?

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Why is Xcode archive not showing?

The Reveal Archive in Organizer option is disabled for your app in the scheme Editor's Archive pane. In Xcode, open the scheme editor by choosing Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme… , then select Reveal Archive in Organizer in the Archive pane as shown in Figure 2.

Is it safe to delete Xcode project Archives?

Similar to iOS Simulator, derived data is located in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData , you can safely delete them.

What is an Xcode archive file?

Application archive created by Xcode, Apple's development IDE for Mac OS X and iOS applications; stores all application files in a format that can be submitted to the App Store for review; contains a digital signature identifying the developer.

How do I open archive organizer?

If the archive builds successfully, it appears in the Archives organizer. The Archives organizer is a pane in the Organizer window that you use to upload your app to App Store Connect. To open the Archives organizer, choose Window > Organizer and click Archives.

  • Open the Organizer window in Xcode (menu Window > Organizer)
  • Click on the Archives icon in the top middle
  • Select the desired archive by app name and date
  • Click Show in Finder in the context menu

Xcode menu bar > Window > Organizer > Products > Archives. It is also called the Archive Organizer. The archives are stored in /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/$DATE/Project Name Datetime.xcarchive

enter image description here

Archive location

By default location is on the same level as Derived Data folder

/Users/alex/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2021-05-08/ServiceLocator 08.05.2021, 15.35.xcarchive

To change location

xcodebuild archive -archivePath "<some_path>/<some_name>.xcarchive" <...>
Xcode -> Preferences... -> Locations -> Locations -> Archives 

To show Organizer

Window -> Organizer -> Archives

Just to add to this since I'm unable to edit @Codo's answer, but for my version of Xcode (12.3) there was no Archive icon in the top middle. Just a slight difference. Instead, going to Window > Organizer opened a window displaying all my Archives for the current project. Right clicking each shows a menu to delete Archive entries or you can Show in Finder.

Show in Finder shows mine are currently located at /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives and within that directory there's a folder for each date which contains an Archive.