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Xcode 8 : Can i use Constraints and autosizing both in Single View?

There is autosizing option available until you give any constraints to UI Component.

So can I use both for my ViewController? enter image description here

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Shreyank Avatar asked Jun 20 '16 07:06


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1 Answers

You could, but you shouldn't

You can use constraints on some views, and autosizing on others, but be careful not to mix them on the same view, as that will cause issues (the autosizing information will be lost).

iOS takes care of autosizing views by creating constraints that convey the information of the autosizing to the constraints engine. This behaviour can be enabled or disabled by the aptly named translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property.

You could try to add constraints to a view and still have it autoresize with the old behaviour by setting this value to true, but I suggest you use constraints for every view, as it can do everything the autosizing can, and much more.

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vrwim Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09
