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Xcode 6.3 No Assistant Results



So, I am trying to learn swift and writing code since about 3 months now. It seems that all of a sudden Xcode won't show the code for the selected UIViewController in the storyboard in the assistant editor. This happens very often. I clean the project - no help. I reset content and settings of the simulator - no help. I create new user on the computer and load up my project there and it works great... For a while. Then we are back to square one. Either I am doing something really weird and messing things up, or the Xcode is doing something really weird and messing me up.

Any quick fixes for this?

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oyalhi Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 06:12


2 Answers

You can try deleting the project's Derive Data.

  1. Close the project. Note: do not quit the XCode.
  2. Window->Organizer (or, Window->Projects, depending on your version of Xcode)
  3. Find the project.
  4. Delete the Derived data using the "Delete..." button.
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zedtse Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 01:01


The above didn't work for my case. I was similarly not able to view code/classes relating to the View Controller. In my particular case, it appears I might have caused the issue- I turned OFF Indexing because Xcode was running terribly slow and around that time I started getting the issue and the message “No assistant results”.

To resolve this in my case, I turned indexing back ON and set the Assistant editor to “Automatic”.

To turn Indexing On or Off, open up the Terminal using either of the below commands-

Turn Indexing OFF: defaults write com.apple.dt.XCode IDEIndexDisable 1

Turn Indexing ON : defaults write com.apple.dt.XCode IDEIndexDisable 0

From accepted answer regarding Indexing: Stopping xcode from indexing

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user4806509 Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 01:01
