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Xcode 6 Git No Remotes Available





I have been connected to my remote repo for a while now through Xcode with no problems. All of a sudden today, Xcode (v6.1 which I've had since it came out) tells me to enter a password to connect to my remote repo. My repo is connected via ssh so should I even need a username and password? When I try to pull/push Xcode says "No Remotes Available", but I can successfully pull/push via command line. I have already seen

Gitlab - Xcode Can't connect with remote repository

Xcode 4.4 - no remotes found

But none of the answers there seem to help me.

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Adam Johns Avatar asked Nov 20 '14 15:11

Adam Johns

2 Answers

I had this same issue. It turns out that all I needed to do was go into "Configure [Project Name]", which is located here:

Menu uou need

Once I entered the URL here, then I was good to go.

like image 143
Greg Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09


I have no idea what happened, but I needed to go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts and delete the repository it had listed there.

like image 38
Adam Johns Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09

Adam Johns