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Xcode "link with editor" option?



There is an option in Eclipse, which when activated, updates the selection in the project navigator, according to currently opened / focused file. In Eclipse this is a button in the project navigator called "link with editor".

Is there something similar in Xcode?

like image 844
User Avatar asked May 01 '13 09:05


1 Answers

In Eclipse:

what does "link with editor " feature do in Eclipse?

Link with editor is useful when you open many files in your project. When you select a file in the editor, the Project Explorer or the Navigator show you the same file in its document tree.

In XCode, Reveal in Project Navigator Keyboard shortcut is J

Even right click on the file will give you the option to Reveal.

like image 70
Anoop Vaidya Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Anoop Vaidya