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How install xcode X GM in parallel with current xcode



I'm talking about the GM version. It's not stable enough to get rid of xcode 4. But I'd like to start playing with the new stuff. Is it sufficient to drag it out of the dmg to the desktop and rename it, or is this going to lead to issues once it is dragged into applications?

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smileBot Avatar asked Sep 11 '13 23:09


3 Answers

When you double click to instal it will pop ask you, to overwrite or keep both. Just keep both. Worked for me

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DogCoffee Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10


Once you extract the app from .dmg the window will be shown with Xcodes' large icon and Application folder. and it will say "Drag XCode Icon to Application Folder to install"(Something like that).

Before doing that, goto application folder just rename the existing Xcode version. And then do the drag and drop.

now you have both versions !

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therealvj Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10


Create New folder in Applications with any name like - "Xcode 5 GM" (whatever new Xcode version, You just need to create folder for that in Applications) Mount DMG file then Find Xcode file then Drag this file to Application/Xcode 5 GM what you have created earlier. After file copied go and launch that file to complete installation.

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Dhaval Panchal Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Dhaval Panchal