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Xcode 4 workflow when working with multiple dev

I tried to find the proper way to work with storyboards when there are many devs on the same project and can't find anything useful.

Before storyboards, we would lock the nib while using it to make sure others would not make modifications at the same time. This way, merge conflicts with nibs were quite rare.

But now, with storyboards, I can't see having a dev lock the whole thing for an hour before another one can work on its part! And sure enough, if two of them modify the storyboard, there is a merge conflict. Xcode XML files aren't nice to merge and often enough, the merge causes problem and will in fact corrupt the file so we would prefer to avoid those conflicts.

I wanted to know how other peoples are dealing with this problem? What workflow does other team use?


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droussel Avatar asked Oct 28 '11 12:10


1 Answers

The storyboard file format is very different from previous XIB formats, so you might give it a try. If you have real examples of changes that cause merge conflicts which you can't easily resolve, your best bet is to file bugs with Apple at http://bugreporter.apple.com.

In storyboards, items tend to be placed in different areas of the file based on where they're located on the canvas, so once you have a larger storyboard conflicts may become less common.

like image 168
Joey Hagedorn Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09

Joey Hagedorn