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NSRemoteView generates a strange message in the Log

When I run my sandboxed application in macOS Sierra, I find this message in the Log :

2016-09-21 12:08:42.787003 MyApp[1505:63581] warning: <NSRemoteView: 0x610000123160> determined it was necessary to configure <NSVBSavePanel: 0x103e002a0> to support remote view vibrancy 

I don’t see this message in OS X 10.11.

It seems that this message appears when the application displays a NSSavePanel that covers the main window.

I’ve verified the .xib file that contains the window, I’ve searched in the documentation of Xcode and with Google but I didn’t find anything to solve the problem.

Added sept, 22

As soon as I declare a NSSavePanel in a method :

NSSavePanel     *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; 

The message is sent to the log.

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Lionel_A Avatar asked Sep 21 '16 12:09


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1 Answers

macOS applications follow the pattern of sandbox. This means that you need to explicitly allow your application to read/write files, otherwise you encounter a permission problem that trigger some errors (one of them is in the form of the warning that you have underlined).

On the Capabilities tab of your application, be sure to enable at least one of the file access methods.

enter image description here

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valvoline Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09
