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XCode 4 CpResource error




When I build my app with Xcode 4 it always show this error message:

 CpResource "Color Calculator/X.png"    
 "/Users/mauro/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Color_Calculator-eomtenpvfeomibgervrskkupofrx/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Color Calculator.app/X.png"

It seems that Xcode wants to copy X.png in the DerivedData.

But I don't have X.png in my project. I use to have it, but it was deleted some versions ago (with many other png). In order to verify, I deleted all the objects in project's xibs. So now I have two empty xib, however the error message continues to appear.

Thank you.

like image 351
boscarol Avatar asked May 30 '12 13:05


1 Answers

Click on your project, go in the tab "Build phase" then in the tab "Copy bundle ressources" and delete the .png to tell xcode to stop trying to copy it :)

like image 162
John Smith Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 17:12

John Smith