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xcarchive malformed due to missing Info.plist

I have two project which I build based on the same Rake script, which internally uses XCode build. Building it with xcodebuild -archivePath (ARCHIVE succeeds), then I package app with xcodebuild -exportArchive. The problem is that first project succeeds all steps, but second is failing on xcodebuild -exportArchive because xcarchive is malformed. I have compared these two archives and malformation is caused by missing Info.plist inside archive. When I prepared manually such Info.plist and put it into xcarchive, then I was able to package app without problems.

Any clues why XCode build doesn't produce Info.plist inside xcarchive file?

like image 905
Fishman Avatar asked Sep 29 '16 10:09


People also ask

What is Xcarchive file?

What is an XCARCHIVE file? Application archive created by Xcode, Apple's development IDE for Mac OS X and iOS applications; stores all application files in a format that can be submitted to the App Store for review; contains a digital signature identifying the developer.

Where is archive folder Xcode?

Open the Archives folder in Finder: Library > Developer > Xcode > Archives.

How do I archive apps in Xcode?

Archive your App In Xcode with your project open, select the simulator (button near the top of the window next to your project name, typically named as a specific type of iPhone) – change it to Generic iOS Device. Open the Product menu and choose Archive. You will see the archive information. Click Validate App.

1 Answers

@diidu's comment to this questions was the solution to my problem, that I believe was the same as @Fishman's. Adding CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR (and removing use of SYMROOT) from my build scripts caused the Info.plist to be written in the archive, and then export succeeded.

like image 86
greymouser Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
