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Xamarin Studio (on OSX) or Visual Studio ( on Windows)? [closed]

I've a Mac ( with Windows in BootCamp ). Now I am using Android Studio for Android dev. and XCode for iOS dev. both in OSX. I'd like to get started with Xamarin development. What are the most important differences between Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio? How should I decide which IDE to choose?

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LuZa Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 13:03


1 Answers

Visual Studio is probably your best IDE for .Net development in general, plus you have the ability to install 3rd party extensions such as Resharper that can boost productivity and code quality in general.

Choosing Xamarin Studio on Mac would allow you to open your storyboard in Xcode and edit it, run your app on iOS Simulators which you wouldn't be able to do on Windows. ( you could build your iOS app from Visual Studio using a remote mac: link)

Personally I prefer to develop on Mac with Xamarin Studio.

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wishmaster Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 09:03
