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Xamarin - Error IDE1100 Error reading content of source file




I've made a new content page, but forgot to type the name.. So I deleted it an made it again with proper name..

I have done it like this multiple times already, but this time something went wrong and I cannot compile. I have this error message:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   IDE1100 Error reading content of source file 
'C:\Users\shark\source\repos\GalShare\GalShare\GalShare\Views\Page1.xaml' -- 'Could not find file 
'C:\Users\shark\source\repos\GalShare\GalShare\GalShare\Views\Page1.xaml'.'.    GalShare-XamlProject     
C:\Users\shark\source\repos\GalShare\GalShare\GalShare\Views\Page1.xaml 1   Active

I have done nothing except the steps above.. What is the cause of this error and how can I fix it?

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sharkyenergy Avatar asked Apr 03 '20 08:04


Video Answer

2 Answers

In addition to the answers of E.Zhao and messyprogrames, here a step-by-step walkthrough.

Clean Solution:
Navigation Bar > "Build" > "Clean Solution"

enter image description here

Unload project:
Choose your "problem project" on the right side within the solution explorer. Right mouse click > "Unload Project"

enter image description here

Reload project:
Choose your unloaded "problem project" again. Right mouse click > "Reload Project".

enter image description here

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Ulfhetnar Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09


Cleaning the project did not solve, but closing and reopening solved my problem.

like image 45
sharkyenergy Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09
