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Writing 32/64-bit specific registry key in Inno Setup

I want when I install program, the setup will create the registry in: SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Publisher\App with {app} main location on 64-bit systems. And I want do same for 32bit in "32 bit" location but i don't know where it is. The setup will check version of Windows and create registry depending on the system.

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Damian Silent Avatar asked Sep 16 '17 21:09

Damian Silent

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1 Answers

You want to write to:

  • on 64-bit systems: SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node

  • on 32-bit systems: SOFTWARE

For that, you do not need to do anything special. Windows registry redirector handles that. It automatically redirects SOFTWARE to SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node for 32-bit applications running on 64-bit systems. And Inno Setup installers are 32-bit applications.

So a simple [Registry] section entry like below will do, what you want. No need for any 32-bit or 64-bit specific code:

Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\My Company\My Program\Settings"; ...

Of course, unless you use 64-bit installation mode.

See also Writing 32/64-bit specific registry key at the end of the installation in Inno Setup.

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Martin Prikryl Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10

Martin Prikryl