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SPDY on web browser control

I am trying to enable SPDY on web browser control (Internet Explorer 11/WIN 8.1). In Internet Explorer advanced settings and in the registry the EnableSPDY3_0 is set to 1. But in my web browser control the SPDY is not working. Are there other settings that I need to configure?

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user3279685 Avatar asked Feb 06 '14 13:02


People also ask

What is SPDY in browser?

SPDY (pronounced SPeeDY) is a networking protocol developed by Google with the purpose of speeding up the delivery of web content. It does this by modifying HTTP traffic which in turn reduces web page latency, and improves web security.

What is SPDY Chrome?

SPDY (declared “speedy”) is a discontinued open-specification communication protocol designed primarily for delivering web content at Google. SPDY tries to control HTTP traffic to reduce web page load time and improve online security. SPDY is a Google Chrome networking technology in a nutshell.

Is SPDY still used?

SPDY became the basis for HTTP/2 specification. However, HTTP/2 diverged from SPDY and eventually HTTP/2 subsumed all usecases of SPDY. After HTTP/2 was ratified as a standard, major implementers, including Google, Mozilla, and Apple, deprecated SPDY in favor of HTTP/2. Since 2021, no modern browser supports SPDY.

1 Answers

How specifically are you attempting to detect SPDY?

I took a quick look with Fiddler and confirmed that SPDY is not used by the Web Browser control outside of IE itself. As this is a new and somewhat experimental feature, I'm not that surprised that the WebOC isn't using it yet.

If you rename your executable to iexplore.exe then you will find that SPDY is used. (WARNING: This isn't recommended for many functionality and security reasons.) That behavior indicates that they're using a FEATURE_CONTROL KEY to control whether SPDY is permitted; feature control keys work on a per-process basis.

I don't see a documented entry for this feature in the official FEATURE_CONTROL list. Internet Explorer's documentation writer and networking PM have confirmed that this is deliberately not documented and suggest that a bug be filed at connect.microsoft.com if you'd like to see a change in policy on this.

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EricLaw Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
