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Write-once table in lua?

I'd like to have a write-once table in Lua (specifically LuaJIT 2.0.3), so that:

local tbl = write_once_tbl()
tbl["a"] = 'foo'
tbl["b"] = 'bar'
tbl["a"] = 'baz'  -- asserts false

Ideally, this would otherwise function like a regular table (pairs() and ipairs() work).

__newindex is basically the opposite of what I'd want for implementing this easily, and I am unaware of any techniques for making a proxy table pattern work with pairs() and ipairs().

like image 273
MikeMx7f Avatar asked Nov 03 '17 00:11


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1 Answers

You need to use a proxy table, that is, an empty table that catches all access to the actual table:

function write_once_tbl()
    local T={}
    return setmetatable({},{
            function (t,k,v)
                if T[k]==nil then
                    error("table is write-once")
        __pairs=  function (t) return  pairs(T) end,
        __ipairs= function (t) return ipairs(T) end,

Note that __pairs and __ipairs only work from Lua 5.2 onwards.

like image 117
lhf Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
