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Does Lua optimize concatenating with an empty string?

I have two strings. One of them is often (but not always) empty. The other is huge:

a = ""
b = "... huge string ..."

I need to concatenate the two strings. So I do the following:

return a .. b

But, if a is empty, this would, temporarily, unnecessarily create a copy of the huge string.

So I thought to write it as follows:

return (a == "" and b) or (a .. b)

This would solve the problem. But, I was wondering: does Lua optimize a concatenation that involves an empty string? That is, if we write a .. b, does Lua check to see if either of the strings is empty and return the other one immediately? If so, I could simply write a ..b instead of the more elaborate code.

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Niccolo M. Avatar asked Apr 01 '14 08:04

Niccolo M.

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How do I concatenate strings in Lua?

The most straightforward way to concatenate (or combine) strings in Lua is to use the dedicated string concatenation operator, which is two periods ( .. ). message = "Hello, " .. "world!" -- message equals "Hello, World!" Numbers are coerced to strings. For fine-grained control over number formatting, use string.

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1 Answers

Yes, it does.

In the Lua 5.2 source code luaV_concat:

if (!(ttisstring(top-2) || ttisnumber(top-2)) || !tostring(L, top-1)) {
  if (!call_binTM(L, top-2, top-1, top-2, TM_CONCAT))
    luaG_concaterror(L, top-2, top-1);
else if (tsvalue(top-1)->len == 0)  /* second operand is empty? */
  (void)tostring(L, top - 2);  /* result is first operand */
else if (ttisstring(top-2) && tsvalue(top-2)->len == 0) {
  setobjs2s(L, top - 2, top - 1);  /* result is second op. */
else {
  /* at least two non-empty string values; get as many as possible */

The two else if parts are exactly doing the job of optimizing string concatenation when one of the operand is an empty string.

like image 122
Yu Hao Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 08:11

Yu Hao