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Write data to a file in Python



How can I save data to a file (that I will plot later on) effectively?

I have got this from my research:

#Open new data file
f = open("data2.txt", "w")
f.write( str(yEst)  )      # str() converts to string

Here is a bit of my code so far:

for i in drange2(0, 2*math.pi + 0.0634665182543392 , 0.0634665182543392):
    for x in range(1,N+1):
       yEst = yEst + a * cos(x* i)
#print yEst
f.write( str(yEst)  )      # str() converts to string

Now, when I go and open my file "data2.txt" I can not read the data because it is not 'organized'. How can I go to the next line using the f.write( str(yEst) ) so that I have a column that contains my 'yEst' data into the file "data2.txt? Thank you in advance for your consideration :)

PS: yEst looks like (in the data2.txt file): 48.901347147148.605785828748.114506165947.429486 .. and I want it as a column: -->

48.9013471471 (new line)
48.6057858287 (new line)
48.1145061659 (new line)
etc ..                        
like image 774
Faycal F Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 18:08

Faycal F

3 Answers

Do you mean to say you'd like each point of data on its own line, like this?


If so, then you might like to try something like this:

for i in drange2(0, 2*math.pi + 0.0634665182543392 , 0.0634665182543392):
    for x in range(1,N+1):
       yEst = yEst + a * cos(x* i) 
       f.write( str(yEst) + "\n"  )

Firstly, to write each data point to the line, it needs to be 'inside' the loop - that's why I've added extra space to the line before I call f.write.

The second thing I added is + "\n" - this will add the new line character to the end of the line. You can change it to whatever you'd like! A couple of examples:

f.write( str(yEst) + " " ) will add one space after each data point:

48.9013471471 48.6057858287 48.1145061659 47.4294863684

f.write( str(yEst) + "|" ) will add one pipe character after each data point:


If, on the other hand, you'd rather just save the data as an array, try the below:

yEst = 0 # or some initial value
yEstArray = []
for i in drange2(0, 2*math.pi + 0.0634665182543392 , 0.0634665182543392):
    for x in range(1,N+1):
       yEst = yEst + a * cos(x* i) 

Then, you can iterate over the array like so:

for yEst in yEstArray:
    do something with yEst


for yEst, index in enumerate(yEstArray):
    do something with yEst and its index
like image 104
Hannele Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10


You'll want pickle for data serialization.

like image 41
Dhaivat Pandya Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10

Dhaivat Pandya

Python has three main built-in ways to persist data:

  1. pickle which serialises objects to files;
  2. sqlite - an embedded SQL database, which is supported by many ORM systems (which with that addition is an excellent alternative to pickle for object storage); and
  3. json/yaml - serialisation intended for the web, with basic datastructures and types.
like image 6
Marcin Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10
