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Replace spaces with dash and remove prefix from string

I'm using this to remove spaces and special characters and convert characters to lowercase:

''.join(e for e in artistName if e.isalnum()).lower()

I want to:

  • replace spaces with -

  • if the string starts with the word the, then it

So that, for instance, The beatles music! would become beatles-music.

like image 852
user664546 Avatar asked May 02 '11 19:05


People also ask

How do you replace spaces with dashes?

Use the replace() method to replace spaces with dashes in a string, e.g. str. replace(/\s+/g, '-') . The replace method will return a new string, where each space is replaced by a dash.

How do you replace a space in a string?

Use the String. replace() method to replace all spaces in a string, e.g. str. replace(/ /g, '+'); . The replace() method will return a new string with all spaces replaced by the provided replacement.

How do I remove spaces between words in a string Python?

Python String strip() function will remove leading and trailing whitespaces. If you want to remove only leading or trailing spaces, use lstrip() or rstrip() function instead.

2 Answers

artistName = artistName.replace(' ', '-').lower()
if artistName.startswith('the-'):
    artistName = artistName[4:]
artistName = ''.join(e for e in artistName if e.isalnum() or e == '-')
like image 129
Steve Howard Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10

Steve Howard

It sounds like you want to make a machine readable slug. Using a library for this function will save you lots of headache. python-slugify does what you are asking for and a bunch of other things you might not have even thought of.

like image 45
Tristan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
