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WPF4 Datagrid doesn't sort on column headers

I am trying to implement my first WPF application using an MVVM design pattern.

I created an application that is databinding to an ObservableCollection<>. The application renders fine, but I expect the datagrid to re-sort the rows when I click on the column headers.

I've researched posts that said: The data source has to implement IEnumerable, mine does. I need to set CanUserSortColumns and/or CanUserSort (on each column), I did. I could implement a custom sort by specifying the Sorting callback function, I did.

None of these seem to have helped. In the debugger, my _customerGrid_Sorting function never gets called and clicking on the column headers has no effect.

Am I missing something in the XAML that follows? Is there another interface I need to implement? I am feeling very lost right now, so any help is appreciated.


        <DataGrid Name="_customerGrid" 
            ColumnHeaderStyle="{StaticResource columnHeaderStyle}"
            ItemsSource="{Binding Path=AllCustomers}" 
            RowStyle="{StaticResource DataGridRowStyle}"
                <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Cust ID" MinWidth="90" CanUserSort="True" >
                            <Label Content="{Binding Path=CustID}" />
                <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Name" MinWidth="300" CanUserSort="True" Width="*">
                            <Label Content="{Binding Path=Name}" />
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Paul Chavez Avatar asked Oct 04 '10 22:10

Paul Chavez

1 Answers

The problem is this code

<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Cust ID" MinWidth="90" CanUserSort="True" >
                        <Label Content="{Binding Path=CustID}" />

The default sorting works as stated everywhere only for DataGridTextColumn, DataGridComboBoxColumn,etc.

Now here the grid does not know how to sort because you have defined a DataTemplate and a Label inside it. Some other person might have defines a SstackTemplate, etc inside DataTemplate. So the DataGrid will not know how to sort it.

I will try to post you a sample code very soon as what we can do for such DataGridTemplateColumn. But hope the direction I have given you helps!!

Seems that the answer is very simple. I tried it with a sample DataGrid using MVVM but my solution should work for you i feel

Everything is fine in the below DataGridTemplateColumn but you are missing a very important attribute called SortMemberPath. Thw WPF should know on which property it should sort.

The original one which you posted looks like this

 <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Name" MinWidth="300" CanUserSort="True" Width="*">
                        <Label Content="{Binding Path=Name}" />

I dont know your data structures. But the modified one should look like this

 <DataGridTemplateColumn  SortMemberPath="Name" Header="Name" MinWidth="300" CanUserSort="True" Width="*">
                        <Label Content="{Binding Path=Name}" />

I hope it helps you!! Let me know if it does not help you, I will try to post my application in some blog ( I am lazy to do it though !!)

like image 161
Gurucharan Balakuntla Maheshku Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 14:11

Gurucharan Balakuntla Maheshku