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How to display placeholder value in WPF Visual Studio Designer until real value can be loaded

I'm an experienced C# developer but a WPF newbie. Basic question (I think) that I can't find an answer to by web searching. Here's the simplified use case...

I want to display a string in a WPF TextBlock. So I write some C# code in codebehind of my XAML control...

public class MyCoolControl : UserControl
   public void InitializeMyCoolControl()
      this.DataContext = "SomeStringOnlyAvailableAtRuntime"; // Perhaps from a database or something...

And I set up my XAML like this:

<UserControl ... snip...>
   <!-- Bind the textblock to whatever's in the DataContext -->
   <TextBlock Text="{Binding}"></TextBlock>

Works great, I can see the value "SomeStringOnlyAvailableAtRuntime" when I execute my application. However, I don't see anything at Design Time using Visual Studio 2008's XAML Designer.

How can I see a placeholder value (anything) for the textblock at design time?



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Mike Avatar asked Mar 29 '09 20:03


1 Answers

I often use FallbackValue on the binding to have something to look at while I design user controls. For example:

<TextBlock Text={Binding Path=AverageValue, FallbackValue=99.99} />

However, since FallbackValue is not just applied at design time, this might not be appropriate if you want to use FallbackValue at run time for other reasons.

like image 192
Anthony Brien Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Anthony Brien