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WPF Sub-MenuItem Opening on the Left Instead of the Right

I have set up a simple sample menu.

  <MenuItem Header="Top Menu">
    <MenuItem Header="Item 1">
      <MenuItem Header="Sub Menu 2" />

Sub Menu 2 is opening on the left instead of the expected right side of the menu. I would expect this behaviour if the menu was near the edge of the screen, but window is centered on the screen and not near any edge.

Is there a property that controls where a MenuItem opens on the screen?

like image 749
Jeremy Lund Avatar asked May 04 '12 18:05

Jeremy Lund

1 Answers

Does this happen on other applications on your system as well?

There's a registry setting in the value MenuDropAlignment in the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows that controls it system-wide. You might just check to make sure that it is set to 0 instead of 1.

More info can be found in this article.

like image 147
Tim Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 10:11
