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WPF MVVM vs Razor Page MVVM

MVVM pattern in WPF has a strong emphasis on completely separating the ViewModel from the UI, and ideally has nothing or very little in the code-behind file. This allows to re-use the ViewModel for different types of interface.

MVVM pattern in Razor Pages has the code-behind as the ViewModel and is tightly coupled with the web logic with OnGet and OnPost methods.

Thus, the carefully-crafted decoupled WPF ViewModel cannot serve as the Web ViewModel (or perhaps can be used from the web page Model?)

Is there something I'm missing, and why is there such a difference between MVVM in WPF (decoupled) and MVVM in Razor Pages (coupled)?

If we were to apply the Razor Pages approach to WPF, then the code-behind would become the ViewModel -- which I've never seen anyone recommend.

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Etienne Charland Avatar asked Mar 11 '19 11:03

Etienne Charland

People also ask

Are Razor pages MVVM?

Razor Pages is sometimes described as implementing the MVVM (Model, View ViewModel) pattern. It doesn't. The MVVM pattern is applied to applications where the presentation and model share the same layer. It is popular in WPF, mobile application development, and some JavaScript libraries.

Is Razor pages better than MVC?

From the docs, "Razor Pages can make coding page-focused scenarios easier and more productive than using controllers and views." If your ASP.NET MVC app makes heavy use of views, you may want to consider migrating from actions and views to Razor Pages.

Is Blazor MVVM or MVC?

Blazor itself is an MVVM framework. The HTML in your Razor Component is your View. The @functions section is your ViewModel and you can use POCO classes for your Models.

Does WPF use MVVM?

MVVM is the lingua franca of WPF developers because it is well suited to the WPF platform, and WPF was designed to make it easy to build applications using the MVVM pattern (amongst others).

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1 Answers

To make things clear: WPF introduces a coupling between the view and the view model the same way Razor Pages does. The view model is a data representation layer in order to break the dependency between the view and the model. So the view can be changed without modifying any models. The view model itself is then coupled to the model since it fetches the required data (e.g. from a service or data base). This behavior is realized in Razor Pages in a unified pattern by having the view models implement the abstract PageModel and by following a convention by providing the appropriate optional action handlers (e.g. OnGet()). Those handlers will be invoked by the framework anytime a HTTP request was issued for the page. You would fetch or manipulate model data based on the request method (e.g. GET, DELETE, POST, PUT, ...) and then present it to the view. The convention describes the naming pattern of those handlers so that the framework can identify them.

So you'll find the same degree of coupling between the layers in WPF MVVM and Razor Pages MVVM. Since the view model in RazorPages encapsulates the context of a specific page the source file naming follows a naming convention ("page name.cshtml.cs") to make the relationship visible in your filesystem. It's not a code-behind file like the partial class file of a view in WPF.

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BionicCode Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10
