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Request.HttpContext.Connection.ClientCertificate is always null

I have an ASP.Net core website deployed on Azure app service for Linux.

In the controller, I am trying to get the client certificate like below:

var callerCertificate = Request.HttpContext.Connection.ClientCertificate;

I always get callerCertificate as null. I have tried await Request.HttpContext.Connection.GetClientCertificateAsync() with same result null.

My website webhost creation looks like below:


I have also set SSL setting for the website (in Azure) as below:

enter image description here

The client side caller is a net462 project that uses Microsoft.Rest.CertificateCredentials to set the certificate to HTTP request.

var cred = new CertificateCredentials(_deviceCertificate)
await this.cred.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(_httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
like image 900
Tany Avatar asked Dec 03 '18 07:12


2 Answers

You could try to add the certificate using HttpClient directly instead of using Microsoft.Rest.CertificateCredential.

var clientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
clientHandler.ClientCertificateOptions = ClientCertificateOption.Manual;

var client = new HttpClient(clientHandler);
var result = client.GetAsync("https://yourservice").GetAwaiter().GetResult();

You may also need to configure the SSL protocol (SSL2, SSL3, TLS, etc.):

clientHandler.SslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls;
like image 53
Isma Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 08:11


Answering my own question: I am able to get the client certificate from header

string clientCertFromHeader = Request.Headers["X-ARR-ClientCert"];

Though, it is still a mystery as to why Request.HttpContext.Connection.ClientCertificate is not giving the certificate.

like image 38
Tany Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 06:11
