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WPF Enforce only ONE instance of application

How do I allow only one instance of a WPF application to run?


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John Batdorf Avatar asked Jan 05 '09 21:01

John Batdorf

People also ask

How do I make sure that only one instance of my application runs at a time?

The best way of accomplishing this is using a named mutex. Create the mutex using code such as: bool firstInstance; Mutex mutex = new Mutex(false, "Local\\" + someUniqueName, out firstInstance); // If firstInstance is now true, we're the first instance of the application; // otherwise another instance is running.

How do I allow only one instance of a program in C#?

Making a singleton application, i.e., preventing users from opening multiple instances of your app, can be easily implemented using a Mutex. A Mutex is similar to a C# lock, except it can work across multiple processes, i.e. it is a computer-wide lock.

What is single instance application?

A Single Instance application is an application that limits the program to run only one instance at a time. This means that you cannot open the same program twice.

What is Baml in WPF?

BAML file from assembly resources, parses it, and creates a corresponding WPF visual tree or workflow. Having this format, the content is loadable faster during runtime, because the XAML is enriched by tokens, and lexical analysis is completed.

1 Answers


Doesn't require VB.DLL as some other examples advise. Has WPF sample code. Passes any cmd line args to initial instance.

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sobelito Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09
