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Can not find System.Windows Assembly

In my case there was no System.Windows reference available to pick up.
I had to include a reference to WindowsBase

Add the assembly reference as you'd add any other framework assembly reference:

  • Right-click on the project
  • Select "Add reference"
  • Select the .NET tab on the left, and find "System.Windows" in the list of assemblies
  • Double-click on "System.Windows" and the assembly reference will be added

Add System.Windows assembly reference:

  • Right-click on the project
  • Select "Add reference"
  • Select the .NET tab on the left, and find "System.Windows" in the list of assemblies
  • Double-click on "System.Windows" to add it

If this does not solve the issue try Adding PresentationFramework, PresentationCore and WindowsBase assemblies (.NET 3.5)

We found it we had to go into the Silverlight folder and found the System.Windows.dll and now all is good thanks for the help though!

I had this occur on a machine with VS 2010 once before. For some reason, the System.Windows assembly was not found in the .NET tab of Add Reference window. Very strange.

In this case, you will just have to go to the Browse tab and navigate to:


Once there, select the proper version subfolder (should look something like... v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a) and then choose the System.Windows.dll there.

Right click on your "References" folder and click "Add Reference" and then select System.Windows under the .NET tab.