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WPF datagrid empty row at bottom




Sounds like you probably have CanUserAddRows set to true for the DataGrid. Just add


to the XAML.

It also works with the attribute:


If your backing collection that implements IEditableCollectionView returns true from its CanAddNew method, the DataGrid will assume that is what you want to do.

There's a good overview here:Overview of the editing features in the WPF DataGrid

If you're creating DataGrid on-the-fly through Source Code...

DataGrid grid = new DataGrid();

grid.CanUserAddRows = false;

grid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
grid.Margin = new Thickness(10,20,10,10);
grid.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
grid.ItemsSource = //... and so on

Though the OP was asking how to REMOVE the empty row, the title isn't specific, and this article appeared in my search while trying to figure out how to ADD the empty row. I found that, for the empty row to appear, it not only needs to have CanUserAddRows="True" but the ItemsSource needs to have a default constructor public MyClass () { }.