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WPF converters: where does the culture come from

I've created a WPF converter class:

public class DoubleConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type TargetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        //blah blah

I wonder who sets the culture parameter that is passed. I would expect it to be the same as the current windows settings, but it appears to be different.


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Robbert Dam Avatar asked Apr 29 '09 10:04

Robbert Dam

2 Answers

This page describes a bug (feature?) of WPF where culture will always be en-US unless you take action to specify otherwise and how to fix it.

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Martin Harris Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Martin Harris

Actually, using the technique described on that page is a bad idea -- it doesn't take into account any customisations that the user has made to their formatting settings in the Control Panel.

Instead, just ignore the culture parameter passed in to the converter entirely; if you need to pass a culture on to something else, use CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. (Since this is the default for Parse and ToString, you usually don't need to pass it on anyway.)

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Miral Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
