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Wpf Absolute vs. Relative Pack URIs






My question is: Am I reading MSDN wrong OR is MSDN wrong? I am trying to reference an image Resource via relative URI.

The MSDN page titled Pack URIs in WPF clearly states that:

"Resource file in subfolder of local assembly" = "/Subfolder/ResourceFile.xaml"

in Table 2: Relative URIs in Markup (here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/aa970069.aspx ).

So, I created new WPF/.NET 4.0 projects in Vs2010 (v10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel) to test.

Startup Project: TryUri
Custom Ctrl Project: TryUri.CCL
    Icons/folder.png <-- Marked As Resource!

In TestUC.xaml:

        <Image Source="/Icons/folder.png" Height="Auto" Width="Auto" />

In MainWindow.xaml:

// xmlns:uc="clr-namespace:TryUri.CCL.Views;assembly=TryUri.CCL"

<uc:TestUC />

Result: The image does not show up!!

When I change the path to "../Icons/folder.png" It does work.

If I copy the Icons/folder.png into the TryUri.CCL/Views/ folder, then "Icons/folder.png" works.

However, I can never get a leading forward slash to work as in "/Icons/folder.png" the way that MSDN states.

like image 370
Wayne Bloss Avatar asked Oct 14 '11 18:10

Wayne Bloss

3 Answers

The reason, when running as a separate assembly, that your Relative Pack URI must begin with ../ or no leading backslash is because of how relative URIs are used, from MSDN (emphasis mine):

Absolute vs. Relative Pack URIs


If a leading backslash is used, however, the relative pack URI reference is then considered relative to the root of the application.

Therefore if you'd like the images to remain relative to your referenced assembly, simply omit the leading slash or use ../ if in a sub-folder.

See the image below for an example of how this looks at runtime:

Absolute vs. Relative Pack URIs

like image 69
user7116 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


The answer is this: The leading slash in a relative path always resolves to the main assembly, NOT the assembly that the markup is in.

To make it work the way that MSDN states, I would have to store all icons in an "Icons/" folder in the main assembly, instead of in the custom control dll.

If you choose to store the resources in the dll assembly in an "Icons/" folder, you must reference them with a path relative to the markup you're working on (i.e. "../Icons/folder.png") OR you must qualify the path with the assembly name (i.e. "/AssemblyName;component/Icons/folder.png")

like image 27
Wayne Bloss Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Wayne Bloss

Just replace < ApplicationName> with the name of your application and this should work

like image 4
msmucker0527 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
