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How do I Instantiate component as Singleton at registration?

I can imagine this might be quite straight forward to do in Castle but I'm new to the technology and have been Googling for hours with no luck!

I have the following:

    () => new MySpecialClass()).LifeStyle.Singleton);

Now quite rightly this is being lazy-loaded, i.e. the lambda expression passed in to UsingFactoryMethod() isn't being executed until I actually ask Castle to Resolve me the instance of the class.

But I would like Castle to create the instance as soon as I have registered it. Is this possible?

like image 824
jameskind Avatar asked Aug 18 '11 13:08


3 Answers

For this simple case you could just register an existing instance:

var special = new MySpecialClass();
like image 82
Mauricio Scheffer Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 08:11

Mauricio Scheffer

You can just use the built it Startable facility like so:


You can read about it here

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Moshe Levi Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 09:11

Moshe Levi

The answer re using "Instance" may not always be feasible (if the class has layers of dependencies itself, it won't be easy to new it up). In that case, at least in Windsor 2.5, you could use this:

    public static void ForceCreationOfSingletons(this IWindsorContainer container)
        var singletons =
            container.Kernel.GetAssignableHandlers(typeof (object))
                     .Where(h => h.ComponentModel.LifestyleType == LifestyleType.Singleton);

        foreach (var handler in singletons)

    // usage container.ForceCreationOfSingletons();
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PandaWood Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 09:11
