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Working with DataChannel in Android WebRTC application

Due to the breaking changes in Android WebRTC client's example, I'm looking for the code-example which shows how to add and work with DataChannel in Android. I need to just send "Hello Worlds" via DataChannel between 2 Android devices. Here's the old code:


It uses some classes and interfaces which don't exist in the new version anymore.

So how can I add support of DataChannel to my Android WebRTC application, send and receive a text through it?

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Incerteza Avatar asked Apr 06 '15 04:04


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What is Datachannel in WebRTC?

The RTCDataChannel interface is a feature of the WebRTC API which lets you open a channel between two peers over which you may send and receive arbitrary data. The API is intentionally similar to the WebSocket API, so that the same programming model can be used for each.

2 Answers

I added DataChannel in a project with an older version of webrtc. I looked at the most up to date classes and it seems the methods and callbacks are still there, so hopefully it will work for you.

Changes to PeerConnectionClient:

Create DataChannel in createPeerConnectionInternal after isInitiator = false;:

DataChannel.Init dcInit = new DataChannel.Init();
dcInit.id = 1;
dataChannel = pc.createDataChannel("1", dcInit);;
dataChannel.registerObserver(new DcObserver());

Changes to onDataChannel:

public void onDataChannel(final DataChannel dc) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onDataChannel");
    executor.execute(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            dataChannel = dc;
            String channelName = dataChannel.label();
            dataChannel.registerObserver(new DcObserver());

Add the channel observer:

private class DcObserver implements DataChannel.Observer {

    public void onMessage(final DataChannel.Buffer buffer) {

        ByteBuffer data = buffer.data; 
        byte[] bytes = new byte[data.remaining()];
        final String command = new String(bytes);

        executor.execute(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {


    public void onStateChange() {
        Log.d(TAG, "DataChannel: onStateChange: " + dataChannel.state());

I added onReceivedDataevents to PeerConnectionEvents interface and all the events are implemented in the CallActivity so I handle the data received on the channel from there.

To send data, from CallActivity:

public void sendData(final String data) {

    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data.getBytes());
    peerConnectionClient.getPCDataChannel().send(new DataChannel.Buffer(buffer, false));


I only took a quick look at the new classes and made minor changes to my code, I hope it will work for you with no more changes.

Good luck

like image 90
Guy S Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

Guy S

I'm sorry that I have a question to the code from Guy S.

In your code, there are two following statements in both createPeerConnectionInternal() and onDataChannel().

dataChannel.registerObserver(new DcObserver());

I think it may cause twice registrations. Is it correct??

I mean, before making a call, it created a dataChannal and registered an Observer. Then.. if there is a call comes in, the onDataChannel called, then the dataChannel point to dc and register again??

like image 27
Kevin Kuei Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Kevin Kuei