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Woes using UPDATE with a CTE in MySQL (MariaDB)

I'm going crazy trying to get UPDATE to work with a CTE in MySQL.

Here's a simplified schema of sa_general_journal:

CREATE TABLE `sa_general_journal` (
  `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `Transaction_ID` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'NULL if not split, same as ID for split records',
  `Date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
  `Statement_s` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `Name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

Some records are "split," for example, a credit card statement amount might have a sales tax amount that is split out. In such cases, both parts of the split record have the same ID in the Transaction_ID field.

When records are imported in bulk, they can't refer to last_insert_ID in order to fill in the Transaction_ID field, thus the need to go clean these up afterward.

This was my first, naive attempt, which said I had an error near UPDATE. Well duh.

WITH cte AS (
        MIN(ID) OVER(PARTITION BY `Date`, `Name`, Statement_s) AS Trans,
    FROM sa_general_journal
    WHERE Transaction_ID = 0)
SET Transaction_ID = Trans

The CTE itself seems to work, as I can follow it with SELECT * FROM cte and get what I expected.

So I started searching StackOverflow, and discovered that CTEs are not updatable, but that you need to join them to what you want to update. "No problem!" I think, as I code this up:

WITH cte AS (
        MIN(ID) OVER(PARTITION BY `Date`, `Name`, Statement_s) AS Trans,
    FROM sa_general_journal
    WHERE Transaction_ID = 0)
UPDATE sa_general_journal gj, cte
SET gj.Transaction_ID = cte.Trans
WHERE gj.ID = cte.ID

No joy. Same error message.

My understanding is that in MySQL, you don't need a column list, but I did also try this using the column list (a, b, c), with the proper columns referenced in the UPDATE statement, but it still said I had a problem near UPDATE.

There are incredibly few examples of using UPDATE with WITH on the Internet! I found one, from Percona, which I used to create my attempt above, and then found another very similar example from MySQL itself.

Thanks in advance for any help offered!

like image 563
Jan Steinman Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 20:03

Jan Steinman

1 Answers

CTE is a part of subquery definition, not a part of the whole query. The query must be specified after CTE. CTE cannot be used itself. So

UPDATE sa_general_journal gj
                         MIN(ID) OVER(PARTITION BY `Date`, `Name`, Statement_s) AS Trans,
                    FROM sa_general_journal
                    WHERE Transaction_ID = 0)
      SELECT * FROM cte) subquery ON gj.ID = subquery.ID
SET gj.Transaction_ID = subquery.Trans
like image 123
Akina Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 19:03
