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Wix Returning the error "No CA or UI entry points found in module" but [CustomAction] is used in dll

First off, apologies for the obfuscated screenshots and not including the full names in code.

I am having issues trying to use custom actions from a dll using the Wix Framework.

I am using Wix 3.10.2

I have a C# Custom Action project under my solution called Install.CustomAction. This is then referenced in the main Wix Project. You can see that here

enter image description here

I have referenced the CA dll as a binary in the main Product.wxs file

<Binary Id="CustomActions.dll" SourceFile="$(var.<porjectname>.Install.CustomAction.TargetDir)<projectname>.CustomAction.CA.dll"/>

Now in a fragment I have the actions referenced like this

<CustomAction Id="CA_RestoreDB" BinaryKey="CustomActions.dll" DllEntry="RestoreMobileDB" Execute="immediate" Return="check" />
  <Custom Action="CA_RestoreDB" After="InstallFinalize"/>

So this far though, I would expect everything to work.

In the actual c# file called CustomAction.cs I have this setup with the [CustomAction] attribute


public ActionResult RestoreMobileDB(Session session)
    //string installPath = session.GetTargetPath(TARGETDIR);
    string x = session["INSTALLFOLDER"];
    session.Log("Begin CustomAction1");
    doSomeStuff(x, session);

    return ActionResult.Success;

So far everything is looking good and is working how I woudl expect it. But when I come to compile everything I get this error

    Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error       The command ""C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.10\bin\..\sdk\MakeSfxCA.exe" "C:\Work Files\Development\<product>\<solution>\<project>.Install.CustomAction\obj\x86\Release\<project>.Install.CustomAction.CA.dll" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.10\bin\..\sdk\x86\SfxCA.dll" "C:\Work Files\Development\<product>\<solution>\<project>Install.CustomAction\obj\x86\Release\<project>.Install.CustomAction.dll" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.10\SDK\Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll;C:\Work Files\Development\<product>\<solution>\<project>.Install.CustomAction\CustomAction.config"" exited with code 1.    <project>.Install.CustomAction

Followed by this error

No CA or UI entry points found in module

Do you have any idea what could be causing this? I have specified an entry point and referenced the dll in my .wxs files but It doesn't appear to be working for me.

like image 828
martpendle Avatar asked Feb 09 '16 14:02


1 Answers

I think it needs to be:

public static ActionResult ...
like image 179
PhilDW Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
