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Wix : error LGHT0204 : ICE80: This 32BitComponent xxx uses 64BitDirectory yyy

I want to create an installer (msi) for my application. I want to add a folder that contains lot of files. So I use heat to create the wxs file for the folder. The wxs file created looks like this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
        <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
            <Directory Id="dirD443000E4EC0AE53948090C1CD372519" Name="www">
                <Component Id="cmp258C40B6C01189153117075B9889DA7C" Guid="{23189859-29AE-46E6-A940-0B2307344910}">
                    <File Id="fil0DE52257C6EF99D33B0974915A17454E" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.WwwPath)\3rdpartylicenses.txt" />
                <Component Id="cmp85367E8DB342884A004620F1E4153AE4" Guid="{00EBB07A-6178-4072-B47C-2D9130CB96A7}">
                    <File Id="filB62696889B5411543CB3DFD6E2A1270D" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.WwwPath)\color.c7a33805ffda0d32bd2a.png" />

When I run my command light, I get a lot of error like this one (one per file):

error LGHT0204 : ICE80: This 32BitComponent cmp258C40B6C01189153117075B9889DA7C uses 64BitDirectory dirD443000E4EC0AE53948090C1CD372519

But the msi created seems to work as expected. But I would like to understand and remove that error if I could.

Any idea ? Thanks

like image 221
François Dubois Avatar asked Mar 14 '18 14:03

François Dubois

1 Answers

I've tried adding componnents atrributes Win64='yes' like in @Brian's comment, but it removed during build. This answer helped me solve this issue.

like image 180
Mardok Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 21:11
