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With an NSArray of object references, do I explicitly release all objects in the array or just the array itself?

My class has an NSArray that is filled with objects. In my dealloc method, can I simply call release on my NSArray, or do I need to iterate the array and release all objects first?

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Rich Avatar asked May 20 '09 01:05


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2 Answers

You can call release directly on the NSArray. The implementation of NSArray will take care of sending release to all the objects stored in the array.

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Marc W Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Marc W

NSArray retains objects when they're added, and releases them when they're removed or the array is deallocated. Keep this in mind, it's this concept of "ownership" that retain/release memory management is built upon. It's the same with the object that owns the array, if it also retained the objects in the array you will need to send them another release message in your dealloc implementation. If not, and if no other objects retained them, they'll be deallocated once the array releases them.

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Marc Charbonneau Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Marc Charbonneau