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Windows Form Application convert to .Net Framework 4.0 to 2.0

While creating a Windows Form Application, I selected target to .Net Framework 4.0. Now I would like to build it to .Net Framework 2.0. How can I do it using Visual Studio 2010?

It is a VB.Net project. I could not see "Target Framework". For my C# projects, I can see the "Target Framework" property.

like image 905
mmk_open Avatar asked Jun 04 '11 08:06


2 Answers

For C# project, if you go to the project properties, you will find Target Framework on Application tab. Switch it to .NET Framework 2.0.

enter image description here

Try to build and remove unsupported namespaces.

If you used any features specific to .NET 4, you will have to fix it manually.

[Edit] As you mentioned that you use VB.NET.

For VB.NET go to project properties, hit Advanced Compile Options... to the Compile tab.

enter image description here

Select target framework:

enter image description here

like image 109
Alex Aza Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10

Alex Aza

Right click the project in Solution Explorer and go to properties change the Target framework in the Application tab.

like image 2
Duncan Smart Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10

Duncan Smart