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WPF with code only

I've seen a lot of questions about the merits of WPF here, and essentially every answer says it's the bee's knees, but essentially every answer also talks about things like XAML, in many cases graphic designers and Expression Blend etc. My question is, is it worth getting into WPF if you're a solo coder working in C# only?

Specifically, I don't have a graphic designer, nor any great talent in that area myself; I don't use point-and-click tools; I write everything in C#, not XML.

Winforms works fine in those conditions. Is the same true of WPF, or does it turn out that important functions can only be done in XAML, the default settings aren't intended for actual use and you have to have a graphic designer on the team to make things look good, etc., and somebody in my position would be better off to stick to Winforms?

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rwallace Avatar asked May 16 '10 16:05


People also ask

Can WPF applications be made without XAML?

But WPF without XAML is possible. You don't even need Visual Studio installed for this, just the . NET CLI and the Developer Command Prompt. Drop these two files in a folder and run msbuild and then you can run the file in the Bin directory.

Is WPF only C#?

WPF, stands for Windows Presentation Foundation is a development framework and a sub-system of . NET Framework. WPF is used to build Windows client applications that run on Windows operating system. WPF uses XAML as its frontend language and C# as its backend languages.

What is DataContext in WPF?

The DataContext property is the default source of your bindings, unless you specifically declare another source, like we did in the previous chapter with the ElementName property. It's defined on the FrameworkElement class, which most UI controls, including the WPF Window, inherits from.

What is INotifyPropertyChanged in WPF?

The INotifyPropertyChanged interface is used to notify clients, typically binding clients, that a property value has changed. For example, consider a Person object with a property called FirstName .

2 Answers

I'm a code person myself, and to be honest, it doesn't matter. Even if you don't know anything about graphic design, you can still use the editor in visual studio to design an UI. The designer features an drag&drop designer as Win Forms does, so that doesn't really pose a problem. Even though I'm a code person, I have no problem with xaml, as it is, in some way, code again. I had problems with the xaml at first as well, but I got used to it, and stuff I had to do in code in Win Forms was quite easy in xaml.

Databinding simply rocks, you don't have to care about getting the data to the UI, you simply have an ObservableCollection<T> or similar, and one Property in the xaml code and everything gets done for you. Want to format the data? Simply add a formatting property to the binding. Want to color the text according to the value? Template Selector class with 15 lines of code, Binding and Template selection in the xaml code of about 10 lines. I'm really growing to love it, and with time (as with any other new technology) you get used to it, and produce good looking stuff.

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Femaref Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09


Short answer: is yes, you can do WPF with code only.

Longer answer: The part about a designer being able to work on the UI and a developer on functionality is really just a side-effect of decoupling functionality from presentation.

What WPF brings to the table in a powerful way is data-binding which enables you to use wider range of design patterns. MVVM has been discussed quite a bit recently.

  • The various MVVM framework encourage convention over configuration allowing you to write less code to accomplish the same goals.
  • This decoupling also has the nice side effect of making your application more testable (you don't have to write tests if you don't want to, but at least the option is there).

Moving to WPF from WinForms will most likely be worth it for you for new development. You could in theory keep doing what you've been doing with WinForms (just with new libraries), but it gives you the option to incorporate newer tools into your development as you become more comfortable with technology.

If you haven't seen it already, the BabySmash series by Scott Hanselman is pretty interesting.

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Roman Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09
