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Windows 7 on a virtual machine

I know this question isn't "directly" programming related, but since I want to be able to be well-prepared on windows-programming when Windows 7 is released, I want to try it out now. But since I don't have two computers, I can't risk to install it as dual-boot in case it screws something up, my experience with dual-booting XP and Vista isn't the best, so dual-boot in a pre-beta-world is even more scary ;)

Anyway, my question is this: Does there exist any Virtualization-programs that handles Windows 7 now? And if there is several, which one is best? I don't really need any detailed descriptions on how to install it and such, that I have google for ;) And the install-DVD is in my hands as we speak, so that isn't a problem either.

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Espen Herseth Halvorsen Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 16:11

Espen Herseth Halvorsen

2 Answers

I'd imagine Microsoft VirtualPC would be your best bet.

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FlySwat Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 22:11


I installed it using VMWare Fusion on MacBook Pro last night without any problems. I just told VMWare that it was Windows Vista 64Bit.

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Brian Kelly Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 00:12

Brian Kelly