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Native looking GUI framework for Mac and Windows

I am currently searching for a GUI framework that looks and works native under Mac and Windows. Further I dont want to use C++ but e.g. C#, Java, Ruby or Python.

Thx a lot.

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drvj Avatar asked Nov 27 '22 19:11


2 Answers

Look at wxWidgets or QT.

However, consider that those toolkits will only get you an approximate platform look and feel. Usually, it feels "OK" on Windows, but on the Mac it typically looks and feels more like a "ported" Windows app than a native app. Demanding as Mac users are, they don't like that very much... Also, you are often limited to the common subset of the systems.

If you want to make a great app, consider separating your code into a platform-neutral business layer and a platform-specific GUI layer, and implement the GUI on each platform with the native tools for that platform. Yes, this will be more work, but depending on your goals may be worth it.

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oefe Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 08:11


wxPython should meet your needs.

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Nick Van Brunt Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 07:11

Nick Van Brunt