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Why won't my CoffeeScript if/else statement work?

I've been trying to update a total price when someone changes the select option. Here is the select element I'm using:

<select id="payment_talks_purchased" name="payment[talks_purchased]">
  <option value="1">One</option>
  <option value="2">Three</option>

This is the jQuery I'm using:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
  var price = $(".total-price span.price")
  var save = $(".savings")
  $("#payment_talks_purchased").change(function() {
    var selection = $("#payment_talks_purchased").val()
    if (selection == 2) {
      save.css("visibility", "visible");
    } else if (selection == 1) {
      save.css("visibility", "hidden");

It works perfectly. It changes the price to $12 and shows the discount message. If I change the select option back to One/1, it changes the text back to $5 and removes the discount message.

I converted this to CoffeeScript but it only works when I make the first change. The price is updated. However, when I try to change it back to option 1, it doesn't update.

jQuery ->
  price = $(".total-price span.price")
  save = $(".savings")
  select = $("#payment_talks_purchased")
  select.change ->
    selection = select.val()
    if selection = 2
      price.html "$12"
      return save.css "visibility", "visible"
    else if selection = 1
      price.html "$5"
      return save.css "visibility", "hidden"

I've been working on this for hours and am at my wits end. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 743
Benjamin Welch Avatar asked Nov 11 '11 06:11

Benjamin Welch

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1 Answers

Your selection = 1 inside your if statements is (still) an assignment in CoffeeScript, you need to use == for comparison. Try this:

jQuery ->
  price = $(".total-price span.price")
  save = $(".savings")
  select = $("#payment_talks_purchased")
  select.change ->
    selection = select.val()
    if selection == '2'
      price.html "$12"
      return save.css "visibility", "visible"
    else if selection == '1'
      price.html "$5"
      return save.css "visibility", "hidden"

Also, == is converted to === so you'll want to compare against strings unless you want to "cast" your value to a number using selection = +select.val() (thanks to Trevor Burnham for this casting trick) or parseInt(select.val(), 10).

like image 169
mu is too short Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 06:01

mu is too short