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If conditional in SQL Script for Mysql

In a sql script that does sequential execution, is there a way one can introduce an IF THEN ELSE conditional to control the flow of query execution?

I happened to run into this http://www.bennadel.com/blog/1340-MySQL-Does-Not-Support-IF-ELSE-Statements-In-General-SQL-Work-Flow.htm which says that the IF THEN ELSE will not work in a sql script.

Is there another way around?

Basically, I want to run a particular "select colName from table" command and check if colName corresponds to a particular value. If it does, proceed with the rest of the script. Else, halt execution.

Please advise.

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fitzcarraldo Avatar asked Sep 12 '11 07:09


People also ask

Can we use if condition in MySQL query?

The MySQL IF() function is used for validating a condition. The IF() function returns a value if the condition is TRUE and another value if the condition is FALSE. The MySQL IF() function can return values that can be either numeric or strings depending upon the context in which the function is used.

Can we use if condition in SQL query?

Any T-SQL statement can be executed conditionally using IF… ELSE. If the condition evaluates to True, then T-SQL statements followed by IF condition in SQL server will be executed. If the condition evaluates to False, then T-SQL statements followed by ELSE keyword will be executed.

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The syntax for the IF-THEN-ELSE statement in MySQL is: IF condition1 THEN {... statements to execute when condition1 is TRUE...} [ ELSEIF condition2 THEN {...

2 Answers

I just wrap my SQL script in a procedure, where conditional code is allowed. If you'd rather not leave the statements lying around, you can drop the procedure when you're done. Here's an example:

delimiter //

create procedure insert_games() 


    set @platform_id := (select id from platform where name = 'Nintendo DS');

    -- Only insert rows if the platform was found
    if @platform_id is not null then 

        insert into game(name, platform_id) values('New Super Mario Bros', @platform_id);
        insert into game(name, platform_id) values('Mario Kart DS', @platform_id);

    end if;



delimiter ;

-- Execute the procedure
call insert_games();

-- Drop the procedure
drop procedure insert_games;

If you haven't used procedures, the "delimiter" keyword might need some explanation. The first line switches the delimiter to "//" so that we can include semi-colons in our procedure definition without MySQL attempting to interpret them yet. Once the procedure has been created, we switch the delimiter back to ";" so we can execute statements as usual.

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Matt Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


After doing some research I think I may have found a way to work around this. I was looking for a way to verify if a script had already executed against a target database. This will be primarily for version control of my databases. I have a table created to keep track of the scripts that have been executed and wanted some flow inside my scripts to check that table first before execution. While I have not completely solved the problem yet I have created a simple script that basically does what I need, I just need to wrap the DDL into the selects based on the value of the variables.

step 1 - Setup a bit variable to hold the result step 2 - do your select and set the variable if the result is found step 3 - Do what you need to do on false result step 4 - Do what you need to do on true result

Here is the example script

set @schemachangeid = 0;

select @schemachangeid := 1 from SchemaChangeLog where scriptname = '1_create_tables.sql';

select 'scriptalreadyran' from dual where @schemachangeid = 1;

select 'scriptnotran' from dual where @schemachangeid = 0;

I also recognize this is an old thread but maybe this will help someone out there trying to do this kind of thing outside of a stored procedure like me.

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Schoon Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
