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Why use HttpClient for Synchronous Connection

People also ask

Why do we use HttpClient?

HttpClient class provides a base class for sending/receiving the HTTP requests/responses from a URL. It is a supported async feature of . NET framework. HttpClient is able to process multiple concurrent requests.

Is HttpClient an asynchronous?

HttpClient.SendAsync Method (System.Net.Http)Send an HTTP request as an asynchronous operation.

Should HttpClient be in using statement?

As a rule, when you use an IDisposable object, you should declare and instantiate it in a using statement. Secondly, all code you may have seen since…the inception of HttpClient would have told you to use a using statement block, including recent docs on the ASP.NET site itself.

but what i am doing is purely synchronous

You could use HttpClient for synchronous requests just fine:

using (var client = new HttpClient())
    var response = client.GetAsync("http://google.com").Result;

    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        var responseContent = response.Content; 

        // by calling .Result you are synchronously reading the result
        string responseString = responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;


As far as why you should use HttpClient over WebRequest is concerned, well, HttpClient is the new kid on the block and could contain improvements over the old client.

I'd re-iterate Donny V. answer and Josh's

"The only reason I wouldn't use the async version is if I were trying to support an older version of .NET that does not already have built in async support."

(and upvote if I had the reputation.)

I can't remember the last time if ever, I was grateful of the fact HttpWebRequest threw exceptions for status codes >= 400. To get around these issues you need to catch the exceptions immediately, and map them to some non-exception response mechanisms in your code...boring, tedious and error prone in itself. Whether it be communicating with a database, or implementing a bespoke web proxy, its 'nearly' always desirable that the Http driver just tell your application code what was returned, and leave it up to you to decide how to behave.

Hence HttpClient is preferable.

For anyone coming across this now, .NET 5.0 has added a synchronous Send method to HttpClient. https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/34948

The merits as too why where discussed at length here - https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/32125

You can therefore use this instead of SendAsync. For example

public string GetValue()
    var client = new HttpClient();
    var webRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "http://your-api.com")
        Content = new StringContent("{ 'some': 'value' }", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")

    var response = client.Send(webRequest);

    using var reader = new StreamReader(response.Content.ReadAsStream());
    return reader.ReadToEnd();

This code is just a simplified example, it's not production ready.

public static class AsyncHelper  
    private static readonly TaskFactory _taskFactory = new

    public static TResult RunSync<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> func)
        => _taskFactory

    public static void RunSync(Func<Task> func)
        => _taskFactory


AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => DoAsyncStuff());

if you use that class pass your async method as parameter you can call the async methods from sync methods in a safe way.

it's explained here : https://cpratt.co/async-tips-tricks/