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Why should I use code generators

I have encountered this topic lately and couldn't understand why they are needed.

Can you explain why I should use them in my projects and how they can ease my life.

Examples will be great, and where from I can learn this topic little more.

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Night Walker Avatar asked Mar 22 '10 21:03

Night Walker

People also ask

Why do we need code generator?

Using code generators can help your team keep the code looking consistent across similar files. Providing your team with a code generator for starting files of a similar purpose goes a long way in keeping everything consistent. Some code generators will also provide mechanisms for modifying files.

Are code generators good?

Anywhere you see lot of repititive code following a pattern and lot of manual work involved, code generators can help. But, you should not use it too much to the extend that maintainability is a pain. Some issues also arise if you want to regenerate them.

How do code generators work?

From a board perspective, this is pretty much how code generation works. A template is invoked to generate some code with some data being passed to the template for use. The template will have some sort of way to process the data and usually provide a way to do standard programming things like loops and selections.

1 Answers

At least you have framed the question from the correct perspective =)

The usual reasons for using a code generator are given as productivity and consistency because they assume that the solution to a consistent and repetitive problem is to throw more code at it. I would argue that any time you are considering code generation, look at why you are generating code and see if you can solve the problem through other means.

A classic example of this is data access; you could generate 250 classes ( 1 for each table in the schema ) effectively creating a table gateway solution, or you could build something more like a domain model and use NHibernate / ActiveRecord / LightSpeed / [pick your orm] to map a rich domain model onto the database.

While both the hand rolled solution and ORM are effectively code generators, the primary difference is when the code is generated. With the ORM it is an implicit step that happens at run-time and therefore is one-way by it's nature. The hand rolled solution requires and explicit step to generate the code during development and the likelihood that the generated classes will need customising at some point therefore creating problems when you re-generate the code. The explicit step that must happen during development introduces friction into the development process and often leads to code that violates DRY ( although some argue that generated code can never violate DRY ).

Another reason for touting code generation comes from the MDA / MDE world ( Model Driven Architecture / Engineering ). I don't put much stock in this but rather than providing a number of poorly expressed arguments, I'm simply going to co-opt someone elses - http://www.infoq.com/articles/8-reasons-why-MDE-fails.

IMHO code generation is the only solution in an exceedingly narrow set of problems and whenever you are considering it, you should probably take a second look at the real problem you are trying to solve and see if there is a better solution.

One type of code generation that really does enhance productivity is "micro code-generation" where the use of macros and templates allow a developer to generate new code directly in the IDE and tab / type their way through placeholders (eg namespace / classname etc). This sort of code generation is a feature of resharper and I use it heavily every day. The reason that micro-generation benefits where most large scale code generation fails is that the generated code is not tied back to any other resource that must be kept in sync and therefore once the code is generated, it is just like all the other code in the solution.

Moving the creation of "basic classes" from the IDE into xml / dsl is often seen when doing big bang development - a classic example would be developers try to reverse engineer the database into a domain model. Unless the code generator is very well written it simply introduces an additional burden on the developer in that every time they need to update the domain model, they either have to context-switch and update the xml / dsl or they have to extend the domain model and then port those changes back to the xml / dsl ( effectively doing the work twice).

There are some code generators that work very well in this space ( the LightSpeed designer is the only one I can think of atm ) by acting as the engine for a design surface but often these code generators generate terrible code that cannot be maintained (eg winforms / webforms design surfaces, EF1 design surface) and therefore rapidly undo any productivity benefits gained from using the code generator in the first place.

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Neal Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 08:11
