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Peak finding algorithm

I recently started looking at MIT's 6.006 lectures and in the first lecture the instructor presented peak-finding algorithm.


According to his definitions:

Given an array [a,b,c,d,e,f,g] where a-g are numbers, b is a peak if and only if a <= b and b>= c.

He gave a recursive approach:

if a[n/2] < a[n/2 -1] then look for a peak from a[1] ... a[n/2 -1] else if a[n/2] < a[n/2+1] then look for a peak from a[n/2+1] ... a[n] else a[n/2] is a peak 

He said the algorithm is T(n) = T(n/2) + o(1) = o(lgn)

In his pdf he also gave a complete example: [6,7,4,3,2,1,4,5]

Both 7 and 5 are peaks. But doesn't the algorithm above only finds 7 as peak just because the middle element happens to satisfy the first branch?

  1. So if we were supposed to find all the peaks, would we still be walking through the entire array? Would it mean worst case N?

  2. Does his definition implies we just need to find a single peak?

I believe this problem can be viewed as finding the maximum and minimum element in Riverst's Introduction to Algorithm book.

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CppLearner Avatar asked Sep 21 '13 05:09


People also ask

What is a peak finding algorithm?

The peak search algorithm is a data mining evaluation of data, including intrinsic peak geometry, processing and algorithmic information.

Which is the best algorithm to find peak point in an array?

Algorithm: In the array, the first element is greater than the second or the last element is greater than the second last, print the respective element and terminate the program. And traverse the array from the second index to the second last index.

How do you find the peak element of an array?

If the array is sorted in descending order, its peak element is the first element. If the array is sorted in ascending order, the peak element is the last.

1 Answers

Yes, this algorithm only finds a single peak.

If you want to find all the peaks you have to check all the elements, so it's going to be O(n).

Note: a peak is not necessarily a global maximum.

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Karoly Horvath Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Karoly Horvath